“The local church does not so much need a more compelling vision of how to be a better church, rather I believe the local church needs a more compelling and grander vision of GOD – then it becomes a better church!”
–Stuart McKnight
The purpose of ‘Theology Now’ is to teach a grander vision of God.
With over 25 years of theological teaching experience, Stuart McKnight is the primary voice for the ministry of ‘Theology Now’. Combining his gifting, astute insight, clarity, creativity, humour, and years of education and training, Stuart is a proven and effective transformational teacher. He has taught in numerous venues in North and Central America, the UK, Africa and Australia. In addition to primarily teaching in the local church, Stuart has taught at conferences, retreats, seminars, Bible Schools in addition to coaching and consulting work.
When the local church community apprehends a grander and more compelling vision of God, everything changes! As the church is given just a glimpse of the magnificent plentitudes of God and grasps a fraction more of the mysterious genius of the Gospel – the result is sacred change. ‘Theology Now’ seeks to deepen and reinforce the spiritual / theological foundations of the Christian community:
- By presenting Theology Proper in a clear and understandable way, through online content and in-person teaching.
- By sharing the wisdom of some of the great shapers of historic Christian thought.
- By teaching Biblical context and content.
- By using history, humour, story and visuals to reinforce the message.
There are a variety of options available for ways ‘Theology Now’ can serve your community: Theological Weekends, Weekend Church Services, Retreats, Conferences, Seminars, Consulting and Coaching. These can all be customised to suit the local context. Have a look at the ‘Services’ page for more details and costs.